How Do I Get Rid Of Bad Breath?

How Do I Get Rid Of Bad Breath?

Bad breath, or halitosis, can have many different causes. Some of the more common causes of bad breath include certain foods, poor oral hygiene, dry mouth, gum disease, tobacco products, dry mouth, and sinus issues. Good oral hygiene can help you prevent bad breath. Read on to learn more,

Brush your teeth twice daily

Your mouth produces thousands of bacteria that collect on the teeth and tongue throughout the day. Food particles can get stuck between teeth and provide a place for these germs to live and make acids. These acids can lead to bad breath. Simply brushing and flossing can remove these harmful foods from your mouth and prevent bad odor. You also want to brush your tongue because food particles can collect there as well. 

Floss at least once a day

Even if you brush twice a day, there is still a chance that food particles can get stuck in between your teeth. That's why it's important to floss at least once every day. This will remove plaque and food debris that can easily get stuck between teeth. Plaque buildup is the main cause of bad breath.

When flossing, it is best to use waxed dental floss or an interdental cleaner. 

Brush your tongue

Bacteria and plaque can build up on the surface of your tongue, which can, in turn, produce bad odors and lead to bad breath. To clean the surface of your tongue, you can use a tongue scraper or a long-handled toothbrush to reach the back region of your tongue. This removes dead cells from the surface of your tongue that can contribute to an odor problem. Another option is to brush your tongue with your toothbrush using a back-and-forth motion.

Clean dentures or dental appliances

While dental implants and bridges are permanently affixed to your mouth, other dental appliances need to be cleaned more often. These include retainers, mouthguards for sports, and even whitening trays. If you don't clean these properly, they can harbor bacteria and possibly even hidden food particles that can cause bad breath. It's important to regularly brush and clean your dental appliances like oral appliances and orthodontic retainers. And be sure to schedule regular dental cleanings and exams too!

Avoid dry mouth

A dry mouth may be a significant contributor to bad breath. Saliva helps to neutralize acids and wash away food debris, so it helps maintain a fresh-smelling breath. A lack of saliva may be caused by medication like antihistamines and antidepressants or by chronic medical conditions such as diabetes or Sjögren's syndrome. A dry mouth may also be caused by smoking cigarettes or by breathing through the mouth instead of the nose due to allergies. To combat dry mouth, try chewing sugar-free gum throughout the day and drink plenty of water. You may also ask your dentist about a special mouthwash that is designed to treat dry mouth.

If you suffer from dry mouth and would like to learn more about this condition and its treatments, schedule a consultation with one of our dentists today. We will examine your mouth to determine the cause of your dry mouth and then recommend the best treatment method for you. Let us help you achieve a healthy smile!

Regularly get a new toothbrush

You can use a new toothbrush after an illness to prevent reinfection and to replace bacteria that get trapped between tooth crevices. Dentists recommend replacing your toothbrush every three to four months or sooner if the bristles become frayed, bent out of shape, or you're sick with the flu or other illness that causes vomiting or diarrhea.

To learn more, please reach out to our dental practice in Cypress, TX, and have a consultation with our Dentist. Call us at (832) 353-3600 or schedule an online appointment, and we'll guide you further.

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